Extract data from unity resource assets
Extract data from unity resource assets

extract data from unity resource assets

Then I'll describe the individual areas that need to be made moddable: data, models, textures, animations, audio, scripting, etc. I'll first start with a few frameworks for Unity that could help with the whole modding process. This is a general overview, and won't go much into code examples, as there are many tutorials on the internet for that.

extract data from unity resource assets

What follows is my current understanding of making a moddable Unity game, and the solutions I'm sticking with after much trial and error. As a lone budding indie developer, I currently don't have the expertise and technical know-how to create extensive modding tools. From what I understand, they created proprietary tools or scripts for mod creation. There are many companies who've created moddable games successfully with Unity, like Kerbal Space Program and Cities: Skylines. But in designing around the idea of mods, I've learned quite a lot about development and the Unity engine. It literally would be SO MUCH EASIER to not make a moddable game, especially in the Unity engine which is designed to make heavy use of the inspector. I've probably spent more time trying to make my game moddable than developing the gameplay. It's not impossible of course, but it requires developing your entire game around the concept. I apologize to all the devs I've silently complained about. Why wouldn't they make customization available to their customers? Wouldn't it help with their sales (if they didn't consider themselves competing with mods)? How hard could it be to make a game more moddable? I used to wonder why many game developers didn't make their games moddable, or made very limited parts of the game moddable. If I do use or create a mod, it's usually to balance the game a certain way, or to improve on or add features to enhance my enjoyability of the game. I don't usually mod games until after I've experienced the vanilla version of the game the way the devs intended.

extract data from unity resource assets

Then save it to persistentDataPath: File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "data/MyFile.I love games that are moddable. Result = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath) String filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "MyFile") Put the file in StreamingAssets folder then read it with the Load from StreamingAssets: IEnumerator ReadFromStreamingAssets() I suggest you don't use it but it's an option that's worth knowing. The Resources folder is known to increase loading times. After that you can copy the loaded data to the Application.persistentDataPath directory. You can check if this is the first time the app is running with this. TextAsset txtAsset = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("textfile", typeof(TextAsset)) You can put the file in the Resources folder from the Editor folder then read with the Resources API.

Extract data from unity resource assets